The "Who's Who" of Journalists

There are very few journalists I have the pleasure of reading articles from. Many journalists don't offer any insight or they give limited information to the stories they headline. I don't request journalists to tell me what their political ideas are or their "Top Ten" things they hate. What I love to see are individuals who dive into what they are truly passionate about.

In comes this gentleman:

                                    Colby Clinton

You can usually tell the character of a person by the works that they do - Colby is a unique individual. His blog is different than many others I have seen. There are several key points that makes his site the best piece of work from any Clinton I've ever seen.


I have boxed several of the features Colby uses with his site.

First, you don't have to understand the English language to be able to read his content. His blog uses a translator that is powered by google which allows a multitude of users to understand his work.

Underneath almost every photo, Colby gives the rights to the photographer or website and usually provides links to their articles.

On the top right you are given his profile picture, his name, the ability to follow him, and a link to his profile.

Below that, you can access anything he has posted without having to scroll down. You can find what you want with minimal hassal.


His use of pictures for the desk top version changes for every post. Sometimes its front and center, sometimes the photos are shifted left or right, but the changes are an add to the overall tone of the blog because it isn't the same constant pattern that could get dry over time.

The only thing I am not a fan of is his color scheme. The background is dramatic compared to the smooth colors of gray, green and soft white. The orange strip that goes down the right side is almost a buffer to the content on the right, which makes me wish he could have given it the same green as his words on the right.


"Every year, the offense seems to perform subpar until about midway through the season, at which point Aaron Rodgers takes over the second half of the season to make a playoff push. The defense is always underwhelming and can't hold up their end of the game. The one consistent is Mike McCarthy and his predictable, non-risky playcalling."

Straight from the horse's mouth, Colby is his best when he voices his opinion. This isn't blatant trash talk or some scheme to ruin McCarthy's career, these are Colby's true feelings for a professional football franchise.

Colby delivers it best when he puts his whole heart in it


Colby's blog is a solid 9/10 site, with only one point deducted in my book due to that orange strip. (Change it and I'll bump you up.)

If you want to see his blog, feel free to click the link below his photo. Also, you can follow his twitter account for some awesome insight in the world of professional sports.


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